Saturday, February 22, 2014

Its been how long since ive been on here????

Ive read some amazing blogs lately so I decided...hey im sort of life is sort of amusing and crazy...and well why not add one more thing to my plate...ive decided to start blogging again. Im not saying im going to do it everyday and who knows I could give up again and throw in the blog towel but for now the plan is to stick with it. I dont even know where to start from my last post.....well over a year ago...dont judge! Our minions are now almost 6 (we are celebrating lilys birthday tomorrow with our VA friends) zaiden is 4 and aura is 18 months and doing fantastic.

We are moving to IL in 4 days and still are not done sorting and throwing away stuff but it will get done because...well it has to.  I cant wait to be near family again and the kids will actually get to be near their cousins! Thats how I grew up...near all my cousins and it was amazing...although they picked on me because I was the youngest (yeah cousins if you read this dont think I forget the torture!!!! lol) but holidays were always so much fun.

I decided to get certified to become a doula and it has been one of the most rewarding decisions of my life. I work and love what I do. I get to be there when a human being takes their first breath and watch as a woman becomes a mother...even if its for the 5th time there is still that look of peace and love and awe...and it is amazing.

what else....I have gained a bunch of weight because I like to eat and not work out so I will also be going on a "back to the natural eating and working out everyday" routine once we are moved and settled. Im not doing it for anyone doing it for one point in my life I have to be happy with how I look and that might as well start before im 30.

I cant think of anything else for now but who knows what tomorrow holds!

Until next time