Thursday, July 20, 2017

Do you ever know if you're really failing?

Dont let the title mislead you. This isnt a depressing post by any means, more so meant to be funny so lets hope that tone comes across lol

Today I have "failed" at many things.  I failed at my diet, I failed at being on time to swim lessons, I failed at making dinner for my kids, I failed at getting them in bed at a reasonable time (like, they just are in bed at 10pm....not even asleep yet....we have been trying to get them in bed since 9 though) and finally I failed at being an awesome mom lol im pretty sure I ruined all 3 kids lives when I made them clean out their toy shelf and decide what they wanted to keep and what could be thrown away.

I must say though the kiddos did great at swim and they all tested to pass to the next level so yay for not drowning!!!!!!!! Aura actually jumped into the pool on her own today which made us super proud. I still remember my little gummi that hated water and wanted nothing to do with it and today she was dunking and jumping in, proud momma moment. I will reflect on that next time she is screaming no and throwing herself on the floor.....yes shes almost 5, yes she still does this. Judge if you must. 

Some of Zaidens homeschool stuff came in today and one was a state book because we will be studying the US and all of the stuff that comes with that (can you tell I have no idea what I'm doing?)
He was excited to flip through it and less excited when I told him its 10pm and he has to go to sleep lol...dont worry he already came out again to tell us about a mysterious dot plaguing his vision making it impossible to sleep **insert eye roll here**

Lily is going through the hormones right now so naturally I am the worst person on the planet, who she then apologizes too...and then as soon as something else doesnt go her way im horrible again. When did 9 become the new teenager? Was I this horrible at 9? If I was im totally sorry mom....and thank you for not killing me. 

SO back to this diet thing. I am doing low carb because I gained so much weight after my hysterectomy (no more periods woooohooooooooo) and the first couple of days were even up until like 3ish was pretty easy....and then I became STARVING!!!!! literally felt like I was going to pass out so needless to say I fell off the wagon and landed in carb valley.  I mean not totally but I for sure went over my carb count today. I refuse to be hard on myself though and I will be starting right back again tomorrow morning. Im not gonna lie though...the cup of coffee with a shit ton of creamer was AMAZING!!!!!! 

 I will be weighing myself for the first time on sunday since i started the diet so we will see if there is any change. I should also be getting my blood test results tomorrow so heres crossing fingers toes and eyes for some good news. 


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Here we go again.....

So it has been about 2 years since I have blogged anything and for some reason tonight I got a wild hair up my ass to start doing it again!!!!! 
So much has changed since I started the blog and I thought I was busy then!!!!!! hahahaha little did I know. We now have 3 kids and my oldest is when the hell did that happen??? 
I feel like if I type a bunch of stuff right now and share it to my facebook it will be pointless because everyone on there pretty much knows my life so I dont have much to write at the moment but I am going to start posting more here. 

I will talk about my weight loss journey (100lbs to go), my makeup life, my crazy kids, homeschooling, any recipes I come across and really anything funny that happens which is often!!!! 

My goal is to be on here everyday so we will see if that happens. 

Here is to being an even more open book
