Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Here we go again.....

So it has been about 2 years since I have blogged anything and for some reason tonight I got a wild hair up my ass to start doing it again!!!!! 
So much has changed since I started the blog and I thought I was busy then!!!!!! hahahaha little did I know. We now have 3 kids and my oldest is when the hell did that happen??? 
I feel like if I type a bunch of stuff right now and share it to my facebook it will be pointless because everyone on there pretty much knows my life so I dont have much to write at the moment but I am going to start posting more here. 

I will talk about my weight loss journey (100lbs to go), my makeup life, my crazy kids, homeschooling, any recipes I come across and really anything funny that happens which is often!!!! 

My goal is to be on here everyday so we will see if that happens. 

Here is to being an even more open book


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