Tuesday, December 11, 2012

its beginning to look a lot like....spring?

oooooo VA....You never cease to amaze me! It is December right? The last two days have been BEAUTIFUL!!! Im so glad that even though today started out really rough cause I didnt feel good that I got to feeling better and got to enjoy my kiddos and some park time.

I made a decision today that I am going to be spending a lot more time OFF of facebook. It is such a time suck...and for what? How many people on my friends list can I say are actually friends? How many people would I call to just say hi? Why do I sit there and wonder about all these peoples thoughts every second of the day? And I mean no offense to anyone cause I post some stupid stuff too no doubt but it hit me today how much time I waste on there. Time I could be spending with the kids or just myself. Time to think about which direction I want life to go and where I want my family to be in a few years.....time that I will NEVER get back to see someone post another picture of their lunch? (again no offense I do it too and I will be posting pics of food in this blog lol) so its time to focus on me. My goals. My wants. My kids. its time to be a little selfish and quit giving my time to others who dont even know im giving my time to them lol

so today.....started out rough cause I was feeling like cacapoopoo (its a word look it up.....I really hope you didnt cause obviously thats not a word lol) but when I started to feel better it got better. I got some time with my z man while lily was at school and aura was sleeping. He was making funny faces for the camera lol
and when sissy got out of school I made us some fruit salad for a snack. My kids drive me nuts with food.....they will love something for ever and then one day decide no I dont want that. In the fruit salad was apple,tangerine, strawberries,bananas and grapes all fruit my kids normally love and they took a few bites and walked away. I on the other hand inhaled it. mmmmmmmmm fruit salad (insert food picture here)
That entire bowl was full....and I will most likely finish it off tomorrow....I love me some fruit! after that since it was like 70 out we decided to go to the park. Anyone who knows me knows I hate messes....I hate the kids making them...I hate them being messy....I hate cleaning messes....im a little ocd when it comes to it....and part of this life change that im slowly making is to learn to let messes go. Im letting the kiddos help me cook more....im letting them do more crafts inside and trying not to stress about it.....its slow but im learning. so while at the park I of course was taking pics cause im obsessed with my new camera but there was some amazing piles of leaves so we decided that playing in them was a great idea. I loved the shots that I got of my minions and would have gotten better ones if there hadnt been a baby strapped to me but it was so much fun to watch there faces light up and the sweet expressions they were making having so much fun! dirty, nasty, germy filled fun lol. heres a few of my favs

ok so it was more then a few but there were so many great ones!!!! we eventually had to leave the park after one black eye....zaiden got in a fight with the swing....the swing won lol and a fussy baby it was time to head home for the promised "make your pizza" and have popcorn and hot chocolate movie night.  zaiden at this point was exhausted so it was somewhat of a challenge but we did have fun anyway. more pics from that :)

OMG THE BLOG THAT I HAD LOST SAVED ITSELF!!!!!!!!! I dont remember what I was writing though lol

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