Thursday, November 15, 2012

suuuuuuuuuuuper mom.....with a side of caffeine

so as most of you know (considering my blog is not popular and only my friends read it :-/) I have my mini gummi bear. she is going to be 4 months old on the 27th and she had decided lately  that mom doesnt need sleep. what is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep....oh wait she sleeps alll damn day and then keeps my butt awake lol anywho she has been sleeping from like 9-11:30 and then wants to wake up and eat for 30-40 min...totally fine....I love that shes getting all chunkyfied. but she goes to bed at 9 and I cannot because of other kids and well im 26 and not 60 (no offense lol) so I want to stay up and have some adult time. in any case the last few days I have been going to bed at midnight or midnight 30 and she has decided 4:30 is a good time to wake for 30-40 min....and not go back to sleep til 6:30....well by then im wide awake so yesterday I decided I cant fight it so im just going to get stuff done. thus began the suze homemaker day......

For anyone that knows me (or has been to my house) I HATE putting away laundry. there is always a stack of laundry somewhere in the house cause im to lazy to walk it upstairs and put it away. therefore my husbands and my clothing was pretty much everywhere in our room. so I decided yesterday morning I was going to tackle that because he wanted to move my eliptical up to our room for me so I could actually work off this baby weight...yes im still you cant judge me.  so anyway I thought to myself" fine God.....I will finally go and put away the laundry that has been staring at me for like a month" but then the thought occurred to me......2 of 3 children are asleep.....said non sleeping child will fall asleep if I stick a paci in her mouth (by the way im typing this and she just fell back asleep.....its 6:38 lol) so I decided to take a shower by myself, uninterrupted, as hot as I want and it was glorious!!!!! no mommy mommy mommy whatcha doin....mommy mommy mommy your belly is big are you having another baby (yes lily said this to me...more then once....ouch) and although aura cried for the first 10 min after several very cold trips over to her chair to replace the paci and shush shush shush her she went to sleep. it was AMAZING to get to take a shower alone....any mom knows what im talking about. so after the amazing shower I walked out in our room and thought "well crap I still need to put all this away" so onto my wifely duties of cleaning our room. I got 95% of the stuff put away before gummi bear woke up again....thanks gummi!!!!!! but then her crying woke up lily hahahahahaha by that time it was like 9:30am...I had been up since 4:30 with only coffee in my system and thought maybe eating would be a good idea. downstairs we go.

i was going somewhere with that story but I forgot where hahahahaa anyway I know most of my friends have pinterest (evil addicting amazing website) and I have been pinning like crazy on there. if you dont follow me you should its jenny jolley bundt I think...or jenny not sure...damn now I will have to look. but either way I have been on there like crazy looking for fun stuffs for me and the minions to do and bake. we loooove to bake!!!! I decided the project yesterday was going to be mini apple pies...well sort of. Here is the recipe that was the inspiration

but I tweaked it a bit to match us. one I didnt have pie crust and didnt feel like making pie crust so we used reduced fat crescent rolls instead. I cut up an apple after laying out all the dough and I let the kids go crazy sprinkling cinnamon and sugar all over the insides....yes it was as messy as it sounds. then we layed the apples in and wrapped them up. I put on the top melted butter with a little bit of vanilla extract in it and then sprinkled more cinnamon and sugar. followed the baking instructions on the package of crescents and just added a few min til it looked down. This was the promised treat after dinner!

now I had the bright idea to also make my laundry detergent while making this. oh I didnt say I was making laundry detergent. OK I decided to make laundry detergent. I am by no means this perfect 50's housewife that keeps a perfect house and dinner on the table every night but im trying to get better. one of my missions is to save our family of 5 some moneys and feel productive. I like experimenting and making things and it makes me feel all sorts of special when it comes out right. but anyway I decided to make the detergent. I pretty much used this recipe

except I used dove instead of ivory because....well I like dove and thats what the hubs picked out. ok so making detergent is really easy and the only time consuming/annoying part was grating the soap. That is a labor of love let me tell you. my hand soul hurt a little from it but it got done. I had to put it in 2 batches cause Ididnt have a pot big enough to hold all liquid but it still came out great! im happy to report it is sitting in a tub in my sink still geling up but it looks great! and smells so clean! I cant wait to use it and figure out if it works great or if I need to tweak it.

did I mention the amazing dinner I made? my daughter has become the pickiest eater not kidding...unless its mac and cheese or cereal she doesnt want it lately.....ive tried to add chicken and veggies to the mac and cheese and thats a no go...and dont get me wrong if she wants cereal for dinner one night a week and its been a hard day im totally ok with it but when I make dinner she better eat it!!!! so yesterday I was planning on pot roast, green beans and mashed potatoes. I had bought the green beans, had the potatoes and the roast was in the crock pot already. because of my soap making and apple pie baking I did not have time to do what I wanted to do and switched the plans up a little.  first the pot roast. it was just a small roast that I put in the crock pot with french onion soup, rosemary, herbs de provence, and some crushed mint.....yes crushed mint....amazing!!!!! the potatoes I had planned on making I ended up cutting into small pieces, boiling them first and them baking them at 350 for about 30 min with herbs de provence on them as well and then just did some mixed veggies. it was amazing.....soooo good and of course who refused to eat it. the lily girl. I had to remind her several times we had mini apple pie waiting and she would get none of it unless she ate her dinner. I HATE that dinner is such a pain in the butt but I know its just a phase. its just a phase...its just a phase....ok back to the happy place.

all in all yesterday was a great day...I love baking with the kiddos and showing them new recipes and ways to save making your own detergent! hahahah can you tell im excited?  I dont know what projects will be done today or if any crafty magic will take place but at least I know it will be full of fun and im sure fighting with the munchies.

Until next time.....

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