Sunday, October 14, 2012

heres a window to my day

Today was a pretty good day. Didnt get a whole lot of sleep last night cause of Gummi but last night we did family movie night.
I love our family movie nights because it is all of us snuggled in the living room on an air mattress with popcorn and drinks and cuddles. Last night we didnt really watch a movie we caught up on Dr.Who....yes our kids like Dr.Who cause they are awesome!!!!!
But back to today..we all slept in (thank you black out curtains) and then mommy cleaned for most of the day....The kiddos and hubby helped but they made a fun trip to wal mart while I stayed home.
Its so weird that with a baby you would really think they didnt take up that much time....yes im aware that sounds horrible but hear me out....they eat, sleep, poop and pee......thats it. they dont talk, walk or make a mess so you would think the job was fairly easy.....well ms Aura today decided she was going to fight every single nap lol so what should have only taken me a couple hours to clean took alllllll day. I dont mind cause she is adorable and if she wants me to nurse her to sleep well im totally ok with that. After not having her home for 7 weeks I think its safe to say I would do anything that little girl wants. Right now as im typing this she is nursing and looking up at me like "Thanks Mom.....this is awesome milk"  or maybe something sweeter like "Mom youre the bestest ever and I love you so much" either way she looks at me and my heart melts.

I made the decision today that I am starting weight watchers tomorrow. Little known fact but I have always had major body image issues....I have always thought I was huge and over weight even when I was skin and bones and way to tiny. Its something that I deal with everyday and even though I have tried dieting and losing weight I always get discouraged easily and give up leaving me in the same hole I was in before. its a vicious cycle. I eat because im sad and im sad because I eat. so i amde the decision today that I am starting weight watchers tomorrow. and im aware you can pretty much eat whatever you want on weight watchers as long as you count the points but I dont want to just skate by on points I want to make a lifestyle change. so I had to have one last pig out...I tried to talk myself out of it but I just I feel guilty (see vicious cycle) but im going to use that motivation tomorrow when i want to eat something bad.

I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth...seriously I crave sugar....its a big issue. so im going to be looking for and trying out tasty recipes that are healthy and of course im going to blog about them.
Why am I going on and on about me starting weight watchers like you all care???? well  mostly because if I announce it on this blog and on my facebook then I sort of have to stick to if you see me eating crap or hear about it I expect someone to say something to me. It takes a village to raise a child....well it takes a village to talk the fat kid down from the help a fat kid out k?

anyway we are about to put our kiddos into bed and me and the hubs and little gummi bear are going to watch the season premier of the walking dead.....yes our 11 week old is going to watch the walking dead...she aint scared of no zombies!!!!! Have a pleasant evening everyone!!!

Until next time.......

1 comment:

  1. I can probably find some healthy treats that hit the spot when a sweet tooth hits..
