Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First day of a new life....

or something like it :)

Today was the first day that we did our new schedule. and I will say the kids were super excited when I was explaining to them how the new day was going to go and even respected mommys one hour of cleaning. in the morning we had our breakfast and then did lilys homework and then we did a simple project of tracing their hands and looking at the difference in sizes and coloring them. they were both so proud of their hands and it made me so happy :)

I made sure my kitchen stayed clean, laundry got done, play time was done and even relax time. Made a great dinner and had a great fmaily dinner and some dr who time after. yes my kids love dr who dont judge us.

All in all it was a great day :) im so glad this schedule is going to help. I feel like we will finally be able to fit everything in that we want to and we can all find a balance. made zaidens 3yr well check and even filled out my absentee ballot so I can vote.

by the way my dinner was seriously awesome. pot roast, home made mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. sorry this is somewhat boring im holding a gummi bear so I cant type much. now if I could get her to fall back asleep I could get some sleep too :)

Until next time....

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