Monday, October 15, 2012

phew! a loooong monday!!!

I know I always hear everyone say "yep I got a case of the mondays" but when you are a stay at home mom I feel like all your days mesh together and monday can suck just as much as thursday....and friday doesnt really mean much cause you are still on call saturday and sunday so I guess that saying doesnt really apply to me. not important or relevant to the post I just thought about that

anywho it was a GREAT monday!!!! I got to spend alllllll day with one bad ass chick who I adore and who has a pretty kick ass name....Jen :) lol its is so rare to find someone that you can spend hours and hours with and not get sick of or run out of things to talk about but I have found that in a few people in my life. Anyway we got to hang out all day watch the kids play, yell at the kids to stop hitting eachother, make fun of her husband (mine was at work so he didnt get the joy of being made fun of) and then jen and I got to break free of the children and go.....wait for it.....its really good.....GROCERY SHOPPING!!!! Yes tis a sad day folks when a woman gets excited to go grocery shopping hahahahhaha but I actually love grocery shopping. I love seeing how much im going to save at the end....its the little things people learn to appreciate them!
oooooooo one thing that was really cool is they were having like clearance on bakery items because they were getting a big shipment so like everything was .99!!!! seriously you have no idea how happy I was. Got lots of rolls and some sweet stuff for my hubby and some treats for the kids. I bought a lot so im going to freeze some...which brings me to another point....I bought a food saver for hubby last year...I think Christmas and seriously that thing is the best investment ever!!!!  If you like to bargain shop or are a hunter (which I am actually totally against by the way) you should get one!

but back to the point.....ok I didnt really have a point so back to grocery shopping....Jen helped me with my weight watchers goals and pointed out food that were low in points and good for me so I feel like I can tackle this weight watchers thing and not starve. Today was pretty easy. Here is is 11:30 at night and I think I still have  or so points left and I dont feel hungry. Made an AWESOME turkey burger for din din (seriously jen those burgers and the non bun bun thingys we bought were amazing!!!) and even had a piece of fudge.....yes I had a piece of fudge and it cost me 3 points but guess what it was WORTH IT!!!! lol

I got some diapers in the mail today which was another fun highlight of my I cloth diaper and I am obsessed with it!!!! There are so many cutee prints and styles to try its so hard not to buy them all! I feel like I need to get a job to support this habit.....but I guess its better then being addicted to crack hahahahaha

anytime I get something in the mail thats not bills makes me so excited!!! I wish I could be a pen pal to someone or had money to send all my friends packages cause seriously I love getting stuff in the mail and im sure other people do to. its like your birthday or Christmas you just cant help but be excited! especially if you arent expecting it then that is the best!!!!

I realize this post also doesnt really have apoint and hopefully as I get more into the blog I will have more to talk about or post but really this is to help me have a schedule, be accountable and just document what life is like because it is so easy to forget.

If anyone has any good weight watchers recipes they want to share then share them on here!!!

Until next time.....


  1. What diapers did you get?! And I know what you mean about pen pals, I thought that in N.C. but now I don't think I would have time to write a pen pal on a regular basis.. I wonder though if there is a website to find pen pals. How would you go about getting one?

  2. I had ordered some more lil joeys from that cloth diaper swap. I still owe you money!!! geez my brain does not work. how much was it again? do you have paypal I can send it that way right now. I have no idea how to go about getting a pen pal actually.....never really thought about it. even a friend to write letters to would be cool but then again I talk to everyone I want to hahahahah

  3. We can be pen pals, just for the enjoyment of a letter in the mail. Hehehe. I am going to look up online about how to get one. Hehehe
